The Educated Imagination

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Have a Little Faith by Mitch Albom

1 comment:

  1. It is quite a coincidence, or not, that I chose to read Have a Little Faith by Mitch Albom. It was an inspiring novel to those who are currently struggling with, maintaining or developing their faith. Albom was able to fluidly take the audience through a series of events that led to his own understanding of what faith is. He was able to explain to the audience that it does not matter what religion you par take in, what racial/traditional background you associate with or how you classify your existence; there is something peacefully human that is consistent amongst all beings. It may take any series of events to come to an understanding of what that means to but as long as you look for that understanding you will come to an answer.

    The reason why I say it is a coincidence, that I chose to read this book, is because recently I have been trying to understand what it is that I have faith in and what I would like to have faith in. I know what it is like to undergo a life changing experience so I could easily relate, on a more personal level, to what the author was going through over the course of the novel. I would recommend this book to anyone that is struggling with, not only faith, but any other hardships that they are up against. The novel is truly inspiring and lifted me out of the depths of uncertainty to the grandeur of being definite.

    My favorite parts of the novel were the words of wisdom the Rabbi gave to the Mitch as they began to get to know each other better. Specifically when the Rabbi turns to Mitch and says "It is far more comforting to think God listened and said no, than to think that nobody’s out there" (Albom 82). This was something that I struggled with continually; the thought that whenever I prayed or asked God for something that He was not listening. Well thinking that He is only saying no, is something that is far more comforting, I wish I would have thought of it before.

    There is not anything negative that I say about this novel because I enjoyed it so much. I loved every second that I read it and it will be something I keep with me forever.
